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La Opinión De Nuestros Pacientes

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Esther Marisa Guevara Salcedo, Perú                                           Febrero 2012

"Gracias a este implante recuperé las ganas de reirme sin tener que cuidarme que se me viera la falta de mi diente que era en el maxilar inferior y justo en el centro de ello. Gracias Dr. Samuel Pelckman, que Dios (hashem) lo bendiga y le dé muchos parabienes en su vida profesional y familiar."

Arlean Kelley, USA                                                  Marzo 2011

"They were absolutely wonderful. i had an appointment for the day after you contacted them for me, which was yesterday. He had a patient already, though it was a holiday, and he fixed my problem and did a cleaning. His secretary was even fantastic. I certainly would recommend them without hesitation.

I had gotten so worried because I usually have regular dental appointments and I thought I had a progressive cavity in a particular tooth that he told me today doesn't have a cavity at all. He did clean my teeth and repaired one that did have a cavity. So I am in good condition now - emotionally and dentally  thanks to you!"

Graciela Kaden, San Francisco, USA                                               Enero 2011

'A few years ago I was lucky to hear the familiar sound of the words with Argentinian accent at a store where I do a lot of shopping, it sounded great so I approached a couple shopping happily like me. We started a conversation and it ended in a friendship. Soon I found out Leonardo worked as a dentist in Buenos Aires, and his lovely wife Claudia worked as an Office Manager for him. Soon I would need work done and I ended up in their office to get the work done, major work... lots of work, a week of work including one implant. Work that was waiting for a long time, old work that needed to be replaced.

Their office is impeccable,with the state-of-the-art equipment in any USA office such as wide angled 360 degree xrays, and a team of technicians working full time doing all the necessary works. This is a major advantage because Dr Pelcman oversees all the work and he has hired very experienced and talented laboratory experts.

One year later, I visited another dentist for another cleaning, and once again the dentist was very impressed of the work done by Dr Pelcman, and she asked me to let another dentist in the office to see the work. He liked it very much.
My impression of their office and the work was done well, and that was enough for me.Later, however, I did some cleanings and check ups in offices here in the USA where I live and one dentist I asked what do you like best the work on the right or the left. She answered quickly, the one on the left is excellent. She was referring to the work done by the team at Dr Pelcman's office.
Usually we do not go around showing off dental work, it is not seen, but only dentists can tell the difference... so this is what happened to me, I felt great with the work Dr Pelcman did for me, but also later three other dentists told me it was more than excelent.
When I was in Buenos Aires I told of my experience to Claudia and she asked me to share this experience, and it took me a while to sit down and to write it. This is my true experience, and I live in San Francisco where dental work is extremely expensive, I could not afford it. I am thankful to Claudia and Leonardo whom I consider my friends, and they provided to me a great experience of dental care. Thank you.'

Tania Rabshtyna, Nueva Zelanda                                                   Ene 2010

 "I am giving you the best references and praise you highly whenever I talk about any dental procedures to everyone. My teeth look and feel absolutely wonderful. The periodontists who are taking care of my gums here in NZ are absolutely thrilled with the results of the surgery Dr.Pelcman performed. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!"

Beverley Markle, Canadá                                                                 Jun 2009

 "I am writing to thank you (Dr. Samuel Pelcman), Claudia, and Martin for the new teeth you gave me. These implants feel so natural, as though I'd been born with them.  And it feels so good to be smile again. I especially appreciate  the great care you gave me throughout the work, at all times. Due to your skill, full information about what you were doing, and kindness, I was able to not be scared and even enjoy the city within 4 days after the surgery. I didn't expect to be able to do that but I was!  I was very fortunate to find you."

Laurie Gordon, Estados Unidos                                                       Abr 2009

"Thank you so much for everything you did for me and for Rick...we are both doing well with our dental work and looking forward to seeing you again in june. We are very impressed by the doctors and the staff of your office."

Ted Shevchenko, Canadá                                             Oct 2008

"Gracias! Teeth are beautiful. Many thanks to Claudia, Dr. Pelcman Snr. and Dr. Pelcman Jnr. I would like to visit Bs. As. again for more beautiful work."

Guillermo Gozález, Estados Unidos                              Abr 2008

"Hola, quería darle las gracias a Uds. Y en especial al Dr. Pelcman. No solamente por su excelente labor pero también por su gran calidad humana. Me hizo sentir en todo momento de la mejor manera posible. También quiero darle las gracias a su asistente que también fue maravillosa conmigo. Y por último a Claudia por haberse mantenido en comunicación conmigo por e-mail. Todos Uds lograron que mi experiencia fuera lo menos dolorosa posible. Gracias por todo."

Martha Cabana, Argentina                                                                 Dic 2006

" (Carta de Martha Cabana al Dr. Pelcman)
Cuando el científico es ante todo un artista, un creador

Todos hemos ido alguna vez al odontólogo. Por diferentes razones. Casi siempre estas visitas pasan desapercibidas en nuestras vidas, hasta creo en los
profesionales mismos. Pero esta vez con mi odontólogo el caso es otro.  El Dr.Pelcman es todo un profesional, lo mejor en lo suyo. No sólo es el primero sino el único si lo veo como persona además de profesional. En el caso de este doctor, no se pueden separar la persona del profesional. No se puede porque ambos son  uno para encarar la vida, y no me refiero a la vida profesional, me refiero a la VIDA. Pelcman es uno solo siempre, haga lo que haga. Y muy especialmente cuando actúa, sí dije “actúa” como dentista. E insisto digo actúa porque él no atiende el problema que tiene delante, el atiende a la persona en su integridad. El tiene una función fundamental en su vida: No es un dentista como vosotros podéis conocer. El es distinto y por ello único.  A mí me lo recomendaron como lo mejor en lo suyo. Pero quien me lo recomendó no dijo realmente en qué era lo mejor. Bueno, quizá dijo en qué era lo mejor, pero fue totalmente incompleto y por incompleto, resultó falso. Cuando definimos algo la definición para que sea correcta tiene que ser necesaria y suficiente. En este caso no era suficiente decir del Dr. Pelcman que era excelente en su especialidad. Es cierto, es excelente, pero no se dice todo con ello, faltaba decir que él HACE su especialidad para CREAR algo más importante que el trabajo en sí: El Dr. Pelcman al trabajar con la boca de su paciente, trabaja con TODA LA PERSONA QUE TIENE DELANTE, no sólo con su boca en el problema específico que ésta presente. El Dr. Pelcman es un ecléctico, un artista y un demiurgo: crea vida. Y crea vida porque tiene la fortuna de tener en sus manos y en su corazón y mente, la capacidad inmensa que pocos seres en el mundo tienen: el Dr.Pelcman crea SONRISAS. Y al crear sonrisas, crea vida, crea esperanzas, crea oportunidades. El Dr.Pelcman ha estudiado  muy ampliamente su carrera de odontólogo, pero no es su carrera la que habla de su quehacer, es el alma que pone en ella. Y eso que su alma pone no aparece en ninguna asignatura del mundo en esta carrera ni en ninguna otra. Por ello Pelcman es un demiurgo. Crea vida. Porque quien puede hacer que las personas rían, sonrían no con la boca pequeña, sino con la vida grande, no es un mero odontólogo, es un artista de la vida, un creador. Y esto hay que decirlo del Dr. Pelcman, persona que cuando atiende a su amigo, porque él no tiene pacientes, nadie padece en su casa, en su casa se disfruta, porque cuando una persona va a verlo la excusa es algo que le pasa en la boca, pero cuando uno ya está instalado en la salita del color que le ha tocado en suerte, allí comienza la aventura del encuentro con Pelcman. Charlas, comentarios. Alli emerge la sensibilidad del odontólogo, su gran capacidad y propuesta de vida. Yo quiero decirles antes de dejarlos, que si no tienen nada en la boca, se lo inventen. Y de ese modo tenga la excusa para  pedir  hora al Dr. Pelcman . Entonces cuando lo vean y hablen con él, sabrán y comprobarán la clase de artista y creador que es él es. El dice que no hace las cosas perfectas porque esta palabra tiene connotaciones religiosas,  metafísicas o filosóficas. Yo digo que hace las cosas con el alma y con el corazón, entonces todo le sale de maravillas, sin errores, sin problemas, sin más consecuencias que la felicidad del que ha ido a verlo. Esa es la profesión del Dr. Pelcman: dar felicidad a los demás por más que una razón. Créanme que la boca es sólo un muy simple comienzo en esta aventura de conocer a este maravilloso personaje de la calle Santa Fe, de este Buenos Aires que siempre nos sorprende con cosas así.  Pero pongan atención: este personaje no tiene ni tiempo ni espacio. Donde esté será siempre el personaje que es. Sólo que yo por egoísmo lo quiero en Buenos Aires, que viaje a dónde quiera, que se quede el tiempo que quiera, pero que vuelva, que aquí lo necesitamos. Personas como él hacen que la vida sea de color, aromática, musical y en resumen,  hacen de la Vida la mayor de las Sonrisas.

Martha Cabana

Buenos Aires, diciembre 24 de 2006"

Sherri Cohen, Canadá                                                                     Dic 2006

"Thank you, It was a pleasure meeting all of you and one day we will meet again."

 Timothy Hutchinson, Estados Unidos                          Sep 2006

 "Hello from San Rafael! We arrived back with no problems. Hope you are all fine.  We enjoyed meeeting you and hope we see you in March."










Graciela Kaden, San Francisco, USA                                            Ene 2011








 Esther Marisa Guevara Salcedo, Chosica - Perú                                    February 2012

"Gracias a este implante recuperé las ganas de reirme sin tener que cuidarme que se me viera la falta de mi diente que era en el maxilar inferior y justo en el centro de ello. Gracias Dr. Samuel Pelckman, que Dios (hashem) lo bendiga y le dé muchos parabienes en su vida profesional y familiar."

Arlean Kelley,  USA                                                                                       March 2011


'They were absolutely wonderful. I had an appointment for the day after you contacted them for me, which was yesterday. He had a patient already, though it was a holiday, and he fixed my problem and did a cleaning. His secretary was even fantastic. I certainly would recommend them without hesitation.

I had gotten so worried because I usually have regular dental appointments and I thought I had a progressing cavity in a particular tooth that he told me today doesn't have a cavity at all. He did clean my teeth and repaired one that did have a cavity. So I am in good condition now--emotionally and dentally  thanks to you! '







Graciela Kaden, San Francisco, USA                                            Ene 2011





Esther Marisa Guevara Salcedo, Chosica, Perú                                  February 2012

"Gracias a este implante recuperé las ganas de reirme sin tener que cuidarme que se me viera la falta de mi diente que era en el maxilar inferior y justo en el centro de ello. Gracias Dr. Samuel Pelckman, que Dios (hashem) lo bendiga y le dé muchos parabienes en su vida profesional y familiar."

Arlean Kelley,  USA                                                                                       March 2011


'They were absolutely wonderful. I had an appointment for the day after you contacted them for me, which was yesterday. He had a patient already, though it was a holiday, and he fixed my problem and did a cleaning. His secretary was even fantastic. I certainly would recommend them without hesitation.

I had gotten so worried because I usually have regular dental appointments and I thought I had a progressing cavity in a particular tooth that he told me today doesn't have a cavity at all. He did clean my teeth and repaired one that did have a cavity. So I am in good condition now--emotionally and dentally  thanks to you! '


'A few years ago I was lucky to hear the familiar sound of the words with Argentinian accent at a store where I do a lot of shopping, it sounded great so I approached a couple shopping happily like me. We started a conversation and it ended in a friendship. Soon I found out Leonardo worked as a dentist in Buenos Aires, and his lovely wife Claudia worked as an Office Manager for him. Soon I would need work done and I ended up in their office to get the work done, major work... lots of work, a week of work including one implant. Work that was waiting for a long time, old work that needed to be replaced.






'They were absolutely wonderful. I had an appointment for the day after you contacted them for me, which was yesterday. He had a patient already, though it was a holiday, and he fixed my problem and did a cleaning. His secretary was even fantastic. I certainly would recommend them without hesitation.

I had gotten so worried because I usually have regular dental appointments and I thought I had a progressing cavity in a particular tooth that he told me today doesn't have a cavity at all. He did clean my teeth and repaired one that did have a cavity. So I am in good condition now--emotionally and dentally  thanks to you! '


Graciela Kaden, San Francisco, USA                                            Ene 2011


Arlean Kelley,  USA                                                                                       March 2011





'They were absolutely wonderful. I had an appointment for the day after you contacted them for me, which was yesterday. He had a patient already, though it was a holiday, and he fixed my problem and did a cleaning. His secretary was even fantastic. I certainly would recommend them without hesitation.

I had gotten so worried because I usually have regular dental appointments and I thought I had a progressing cavity in a particular tooth that he told me today doesn't have a cavity at all. He did clean my teeth and repaired one that did have a cavity. So I am in good condition now--emotionally and dentally  thanks to you! '


Graciela Kaden, San Francisco, USA                                            Ene 2011


Arlean Kelley,  USA                                                                                       March 2011





'They were absolutely wonderful. I had an appointment for the day after you contacted them for me, which was yesterday. He had a patient already, though it was a holiday, and he fixed my problem and did a cleaning. His secretary was even fantastic. I certainly would recommend them without hesitation.

I had gotten so worried because I usually have regular dental appointments and I thought I had a progressing cavity in a particular tooth that he told me today doesn't have a cavity at all. He did clean my teeth and repaired one that did have a cavity. So I am in good condition now--emotionally and dentally  thanks to you! '


Graciela Kaden, San Francisco, USA                                            Ene 2011


Arlean Kelley,  USA                                                                                       March 2011

Drs. Pelcman
Implantes Dentales y Estética Dental.

Teléfonos: +54 (11) 4821-9070 / +54 (11) 4821-3734 / +1 (646) 823 - 0702 
Skype: Pelcman.Practice
Dirección: Av. Santa Fe 3444 10mo A / CP 1425 / Ciudad de Buenos Aires / Argentina
Directorio de enlaces